How do I cancel a confirmed booking as a host?

If you want to cancel a confirmed booking, we encourage you to notify your renter as soon as possible via EagleShare messaging and process the cancellation through the booking details page.

To cancel a confirmed booking as a host, make sure you are logged in to and navigate to Bookings under your Dashboard. Once you find the booking you want to cancel, click on the View Details button to access the Booking Details page and follow these steps:

  • Click on the Cancel Booking button located on the top right. If you are on a mobile device, the button should appear below the reservation status "Confirmed".
  • Choose a response to Why do you need to cancel?
  • Once you choose a response, you should be able to select one of the reasons. Depending on the selected reason, you will be asked if this reason applies to you or the renter. Click Continue to go to the next step: Confirm Cancellation.
  • Review your selection for the cancellation reasons and make sure they are correct. You will also be able to review Rider Cancellation Details and Host Cancellation Details. IMPORTANT: Please make sure the refund amount, cancellation fees, and host cancellation penalty are correct. If you are not sure, please do not cancel and contact Customer Service right away. 
    • If the responsibility is placed on the renter, they will have the option to dispute it. If they do not take any action within 72 hours, the system will automatically issue the refund.

Please note that as an owner, you may be subject to a cancellation fee. The amount of the cancellation fee depends on the circumstances below:

    • When you cancel the trip;
    • What refund method the renter chooses;
    • View details of our cancellation terms here.